Offers sought for the freehold or a rental of £20,000 per annum. |
The property is situated at the northern end of Fore Street, the prime retail section within the town. There is a healthy mix between national, regional, and local retailers including Iceland and Costa Coffee.
Bodmin is strategically located in the centre of the County lying adjacent to the A30 link road and A38. The town lies approximately 25 miles west of Plymouth and 24 miles from Truro. Bodmin is one of the largest towns in North Cornwall with a resident population of 15,300 (2013 Census). However, the town serves an extensive catchment population from the surrounding rural area and also benefits from a seasonal influx of tourists during the summer months.
The property is situated at the northern end of Fore Street, the prime retail section within the town. There is a healthy mix between national, regional, and local retailers including Iceland and Costa Coffee.
The property is well maintained and presented throughout and provides development potential with the possibility of the upper floor to be self-contained including separate access to the rear that opens up to a large ground floor area which could be used for a café/restaurant business. The frontage is of ornate dressed bath sandstone finish with character stone parapet balustrade all of which provides the feeling of a character building. There are two large traditional bank windows at the front and two smaller windows to the side alley and a number of skylights incorporated within the single storey rear extension. The first floor incorporates the staff gents and ladies toilets, store rooms, locker room and staff room.
ACCOMMODATION: (all dimensions and areas are approximate)
Ground Floor
Max depth to steps 10.2 m
Max depth to rear of admin offices 19.5 m
Max width 7.5 m
Total area of banking hall 122.1 m² (1,314 ft²)
Rear store/safe room 19.8 m² (213 ft²)
First Floor
Store and staff room 60.6 m² (652 ft²)
Boiler room/roof space 8.1 m (87 ft²)
Cloakroom 4.8m (52 ft²)
The property is offered on a new proportional full repairing and insuring lease for a flexible term.
£20,000 per annum is sought for the premises.
Offers in excess of £200,000 are sought.
Rateable value - £15,250 (1 April 2023 to present).
We understand that the property is not registered for VAT and therefore no VAT will be payable on the rent.
Interested parties should make their own enquiries with Cornwall Council Planning Department to satisfy themselves that consent exists for the proposed use.
Mains electricity, metered water and drainage are connected. We have not tested the services connected to the premises and the ingoing tenant/purchaser should carry out their own inspections.
The ingoing tenant will be responsible for the landlord’s reasonable costs incurred in the preparation and execution of the lease.
By appointment through Charterwood on (01872) 261216. Contact Chris Waters or Rosie Brenton.
In line with The Money Laundering Regulations 2017, Charterwood are obliged to verify ID for all individuals and businesses that are conducting property transactions through the Company.
EPC: E (125).
The Property Misdescription Act 1991
The Agents have not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures and fitting or services and so cannot verify that they are in working order or fit for the purpose. A Buyer is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor and Surveyor. References to the tenure of the property are based on information supplied by the Seller. The Agent has not had sight of the title documents. A Buyer is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor.
CHARTERWOOD for themselves and for the Vendors or Lessors of this property, whose Agents they are, give notice that:
1. The particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intended purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer of contract;
2. All descriptions, dimensions, reference to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and intending purchasers or tenants should not rely upon them as statement or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them;
3. We have not tested the services nor fixtures and fittings. It will be the responsibility of potential purchasers to satisfy themselves as to their condition.
4. No person in the employment of Charterwood has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty in relation to this property.
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